LAVAshield® silica glass welding blanket 50-1866 Code: 2121683699Product descriptionLAVAshield® silica glass welding blanket ± 1000°C. 174x174 cm. Sewn with 3 ply KEVLAR®.Related productsFRINGED COTTON MOPS 40 cm.KategorijaHygiene and working safetyEvacuation device DEZEGA 1PVM KS (60 min. active / 180 min. passive evacuation)KategorijaHygiene and working safetyBall valve blocker MASTER LOCK S3080KategorijaHygiene and working safetyCARABINER DT 651 02 FOR BAR DT 200KategorijaHygiene and working safetyBlokator automatskih osigurača, S2392KategorijaHygiene and working safetyOil Absorbent OREAD ROLDEX OR160KategorijaIndustrial hygiene and safetyRed Zenex™ thermoplastic safety padlock 410REDKategorijaHygiene and working safetyGAMMA NEOS S1KategorijaHygiene and working safetyDPPO R ABSORPTION PILLOWSKategorijaHygiene and working safetyIndustrial, stainless steel, wall mounted eye wash stationKategorijaHygiene and working safetyRetrofit Install Bases for Removable Push Button and Rotary Switch CoverKategorijaHygiene and working safetyMicro original glass plush 45 cm.KategorijaHygiene and working safety