Desman jacketCode: od-30033Product descriptionA modern work jacket in gray colour with orange details, with multiple functional pockets, made of 80% polyester and 20% cotton, 235 g/m². Size 48-64Related productsOlza jacketKategorijaThe clothesBojaCARGO pantsKategorijaThe clothesPilot underallKategorijaThe clothesBojaTitanKategorijaThe clothesBojaKNOXFIELD RYO pantsKategorijaThe clothesSweatshirt for security workersKategorijaThe clothesBADAJOZ BIBPANTSKategorijaThe clothesStenberg Dynamic PantsKategorijaThe clothesMen's coat, navy blue, 80% polyester, 20% cotton, 185 g/m2KategorijaThe clothesBojaKnoxfield trousersKategorijaThe clothesHACCP men's blouseKategorijaThe clothesBojaSTENBERG FOREST - pantsKategorijaThe clothes