Elastic chin strap for Uvex pheos helmetCode: 1060723674Product descriptionRelated products3M™ 5E-11KategorijaHead protection3M HYG3 Sweatband Replacement for Plastic Insert in 3M HelmetsKategorijaHead protectionSUREFIT™ EVO WIRE MESH VISORKategorijaHead protection3M Peltor Optime II (H520P3E)KategorijaHead protectionSureFit EVO kit for electriciansKategorijaHead protectionCHIN CUP FOR SAFETY HELMET GP3000KategorijaHead protectionuvex Pheos magnetic visor for electriciansKategorijaHead protectionAdapter for mounting goggles with a strap and lamps (battery cable) on the UVEX PHEOS helmet.KategorijaHead protectionuvex Pheos magnetic visorKategorijaHead protectionRUDOLF UHLEN aluminum visor holderKategorijaHead protectionSUREFIT™ EVO ACETATE VISORKategorijaHead protection3M FORESTRY SETKategorijaHead protection