Mionica Rally 2021
Na petom po redu Mionica reliju, dugom 200 kilometara, učestvovala je 31 ekipa iz Srbije i inostranstva.
Reli se održavao 9. i 10. jula na deonici Mionica-Divčibare,a pokrovitelji su bili Opština Mionica, AMSS, Ministarstvo omladine i sporta.
Albo je i ove godine podržao Racing Team Akademac, koji su na reliju predstavljali Zoran Milisavljenvić i Vladan Kostić, osvojivši 10. mesto u generalnom plasmanu.
Auto trke su svakako sport koji nosi sa sobom značajne rizike. Zato smo uvek tu da promovišemo bezbednost i zaštitnu opremu.
Čestitamo svim učesnicima na uspešno završenom reliju i želimo im još mnogo uzbudljivih trka.
31 teams from Serbia and abroad participated in the fifth Mionica Rally, 200 kilometers long. The rally was held on July 9 and 10 on the section Mionica-Divcibare, and the patrons were the Municipality of Mionica, AMSS, the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Albo also supported the Racing Team Akademac this year, which was represented at the rally by Zoran Milisavljenvić and Vladan Kostić, winning 10th place in the general classification. Car racing is certainly a sport that carries with it significant risks. That is why we are always there to promote safety and protective equipment. Congratulations to all participants on the successful completion of the rally and we wish them many more exciting races.