DISPERSERCode: 2131093187Product descriptionA disperser for solutions, in blue/white colour combination.Related productsO TENS G 500KategorijaProfessional chemistryRINAX® SKINCARE H 822KategorijaHygiene and working safetyRINAX® CLEAN H 830KategorijaHygiene and working safetyFOAM DISPERSERKategorijaHygiene and working safetyRINAX® DISPENSER H 854KategorijaHygiene and working safetyRINAX® SKINGUARD PRO H 820KategorijaHygiene and working safetyOPTIFLOR® EX G 477KategorijaProfessional chemistryDISPERSERKategorijaHygiene and working safetyPOINT G 502KategorijaHygiene and working safetyErolcid G 491KategorijaProfessional chemistryBUZ® FRESH MAGIC G 567KategorijaProfessional chemistryErol G 490KategorijaProfessional chemistry