Set - shock absorber ABM, LB122, 2*AZ002 - 1.9mCode: zpp-abmlb122az002Product descriptionIntegrated kit consisting of: shock absorber ABM, LB122 (double Y rope), 2*AZ002 - 1.9mRelated productsProfile, type H, 1mKategorijaHygiene and working safetyProfile, type H, 5mKategorijaHygiene and working safetySet - shock absorber ABM, LB122, 2*AZ002 - 1.9mKategorijaHygiene and working safetyCARABINER DT 651 02 FOR BAR DT 200KategorijaHygiene and working safetyProtective deep shoes EXENA APOLLO 23 S3LKategorijaHygiene and working safetyHeavy Duty Base for Chain Support PostKategorijaHygiene and working safetyShowa 720R - chemical nitrile glovesKategorijaHygiene and working safetyTool set (shovel, pickaxe, ax, hammer), brush, iron saw, pliers and voltage tester)KategorijaHygiene and working safetyGAMMA NEOS S1KategorijaHygiene and working safetyLiquid for cleaning glasses 0.5l - round bottle UVEX 9972101KategorijaHygiene and working safetyEvacuation device DEZEGA 1PVM KS (60 min. active / 180 min. passive evacuation)KategorijaHygiene and working safetyTwo-layer central napkin in a roll ICA 9249KategorijaHygiene and working safety