Floor Cleaning Set MOPPO 13LCode: 2151459076Product descriptionThe Moppo Power Mop set includes a high-quality wringer that ensures easy and comfortable cleaning.Related productsRAPIDO - HOUSEHOLD FLAT MOP SET, Pocket typeKategorijaHygiene and working safetyMOP APPARATUS WITH WIRE 60 cm.KategorijaHygiene and working safetyAluminum telescopic extendable handle - 4,5 m.KategorijaHygiene and working safetyAluminum telescopic extendable handle - 3mKategorijaHygiene and working safetyCHROMIUM DOUBLE BUCKET FLOOR CLEANING & GARBAGE CARTKategorijaHygiene and working safetyFloor Cleaning Set MOPPO 13LKategorijaFunds for workACRYLIC DUST MOP - 60cmKategorijaHygiene and working safetyPLASTIC DOUBLE BUCKET MOPPING TROLLEY WITH BASKETKategorijaHygiene and working safetyDouble-Sided Microfiber DUO MopKategorijaFunds for workBucket 25l - redKategorijaFunds for workStainless glass squeegee, 35 cm.KategorijaHygiene and working safetyEXTRA CHAIN STITCH MEDICAL DAMP MOPKategorijaHygiene and working safety