VAMAT GH DW 40Code: 2131053145Product descriptionAn acidic agent Vamat GH DW 40 for washing dishes in professional machines.pH value 2ConcentratedProfessional dish washingMachine cleaningPackaging: 10 lRelated productsUniversal Cleaner for Grease and Resin BUZ OVENMASTER G574KategorijaProfessional chemistryBUZ® GRILLMASTER G 576KategorijaHygiene and working safetyBUZ® METASOFT G 507KategorijaHygiene and working safetyVAMAT GF DW 25KategorijaHygiene and working safetyVAMAT GH DW 40KategorijaHygiene and working safetyBISTRO G 435KategorijaProfessional chemistryBUZ® GRILLMASTER G 575KategorijaHygiene and working safetyPERFEKT G 440KategorijaProfessional chemistry