CLEAR WELDING GLASS PLATES - 110X90Code: 1060742168Product descriptionCertifed, dimension 110 x 90 mm. EN 166Related productsCLEAR WELDING GLASS PLATES - 110X90KategorijaEye and face protectionCLEAR WELDING GLASS PLATES 100x100 mmKategorijaEye and face protectionB912KategorijaEye and face protectionBrowguard head visor holderKategorijaEye and face protectionCLEAR WELDING GLASS PLATES - 108X51KategorijaEye and face protectionAcetate visor 20 cm for BrowguardKategorijaEye and face protectionCLIMAX 415 VARIOMATICKategorijaEye and face protection